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Charity Day
Outstanding Ukrainian artists are going to sing, dance, juggle, play music and perform artistic feats for you. The colorful stage show is framed by an exhibition of young Ukrainian photographers and a charity donation campaign for Ukrainian institutions for people with disabilities.
The Ukraine-Saarland-Berlin e.V. will also use this charity day to present their concept of the "House of Ukraine in Berlin".
Admission to our Charity Day is free and we would be pleased if you keep the date free and share this announcement with all people who are enthusiastic about art and culture related to Ukraine.
Further information and the registration link for your visit will be published shortly.
Mehr als eine Show
Freuen Sie sich bereits jetzt auf eines der schönsten Ereignisse des Berliner Kultursommers. Denn am Freitag, den 30. August, findet die nächste Parieté-Gala statt, für die Sie noch Tickets kaufen können.
Parieté – eine Wortschöpfung aus »Varieté« und »Parität | Gleichheit« – zelebriert unter dem Motto »Kunst kennt keine Grenzen« die Vielfalt und Qualität von Kunst. Und gerade in diesen Zeiten ist das relevanter denn je. Moderiert wird sie von Annika Lau und Samuel Koch. Die Schirmherrschaft haben Katarina Witt und Joe Chialo inne.
Charity Day
Outstanding Ukrainian artists are going to sing, dance, juggle, play music and perform artistic feats for you. The colorful stage show is framed by an exhibition of young Ukrainian photographers and a charity donation campaign for Ukrainian institutions for people with disabilities.
The Ukraine-Saarland-Berlin e.V. will also use this charity day to present their concept of the "House of Ukraine in Berlin".
Admission to our Charity Day is free and we would be pleased if you keep the date free and share this announcement with all people who are enthusiastic about art and culture related to Ukraine.
Further information and the registration link for your visit will be published shortly.
Charity Day
Outstanding Ukrainian artists are going to sing, dance, juggle, play music and perform artistic feats for you. The colorful stage show is framed by an exhibition of young Ukrainian photographers and a charity donation campaign for Ukrainian institutions for people with disabilities.
The Ukraine-Saarland-Berlin e.V. will also use this charity day to present their concept of the "House of Ukraine in Berlin".
Admission to our Charity Day is free and we would be pleased if you keep the date free and share this announcement with all people who are enthusiastic about art and culture related to Ukraine.
Further information and the registration link for your visit will be published shortly.
Charity Day
Outstanding Ukrainian artists are going to sing, dance, juggle, play music and perform artistic feats for you. The colorful stage show is framed by an exhibition of young Ukrainian photographers and a charity donation campaign for Ukrainian institutions for people with disabilities.
The Ukraine-Saarland-Berlin e.V. will also use this charity day to present their concept of the "House of Ukraine in Berlin".
Admission to our Charity Day is free and we would be pleased if you keep the date free and share this announcement with all people who are enthusiastic about art and culture related to Ukraine.
Further information and the registration link for your visit will be published shortly.
Charity Day
Outstanding Ukrainian artists are going to sing, dance, juggle, play music and perform artistic feats for you. The colorful stage show is framed by an exhibition of young Ukrainian photographers and a charity donation campaign for Ukrainian institutions for people with disabilities.
The Ukraine-Saarland-Berlin e.V. will also use this charity day to present their concept of the "House of Ukraine in Berlin".
Admission to our Charity Day is free and we would be pleased if you keep the date free and share this announcement with all people who are enthusiastic about art and culture related to Ukraine.
Further information and the registration link for your visit will be published shortly.
Unterwegs um den Wannsee
In ihrer rbb Dokumentation »Unterwegs um den Wannsee« porträtiert die Autorin Anja Widell verschiedene Menschen auf und am Wasser, darunter unsere hochgeschätze Kollegin Melissa Müller aus dem Gästehaus Blumenfisch am Großen Wannsee.
Melissa gibt Einblicke in ihre Arbeit im Service, erzählt, warum sie den Wannsee so liebt und dies genau der richtige Job für sie ist.
Ihren ersten Auftritt hat Melissa nach ca. 18 Minuten, den Film in Gänze gibt es in der rbb Mediathek. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß!
Gemeinschaft steht bei uns im Mittelpunkt: Mit Freizeitaktivitäten, Spaziergängen, Bewegungs- und Gedächtnisübungen… wir unterstützen ein freudvolles und vitales Leben. Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Tagespflege – gern auch bei Ihnen zu Hause oder bei einem kostenfreien Probetag bei uns vor Ort. Wir freuen uns auf Sie.
Freie Plätze
Wattstraße 2–4 | 12459 Berlin
Montag bis Freitag 8 bis 16 Uhr
Telefon: 030 221994 70
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